Building An Event

Welcome to Union's Event Management! This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and managing events, from defining event details to handling advanced settings.

If you'd like, please follow along with the video tutorial below.

Let's get started!

Creating a New Event:

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to Products > Events.

  1. Click "Create Event" to initiate the event setup process.

Event Information:

  1. Public Event: Choose if your event will be visible to the public. You can switch between public and private visibility at any time.

*Note that private events can still be registered for, but attendees will need a direct link.

  1. Name: Provide a descriptive name for your event, which will be prominently displayed to your customers.

  1. Description: Give a detailed overview of the event.

  1. Photo: Select an engaging, descriptive image that resonates with your audience.

  1. Schedules and Performances:
    1. TRAINING OR WORKSHOP SERIES: Decide whether the event is a Training or Workshop Series and adjust settings accordingly.
      • Turn it ON if you want a user to register for ALL performances in an event.
      • Turn OFF if you want users to book individual performances.

  1. Led by: Assign a teacher for the performance.

  1. Capacity: Adjusting this affects In-Person registrations only.

  1. Location: Select the location and space where the teacher will be hosting the class.

  1. Attendance: Choose the attendance type.

  1. Starts at: Specify the start time, duration, and frequency of the class.

  1. Recurs Until: Specify the end date for the class.

*If you require a capacity limit for virtual classes, click "Enforce Online Capacity Limit"

Event Categories & Payment Options:


  • If necessary, upload documents (e.g., worksheets, handouts) directly to the event. This is particularly useful for special events like trainings or workshops.
    • Users can find the downloads under their account here.

Advanced Settings:

  • Customize settings specific to this event:

Additional Email Text: Add a customized message for users who register for the event. You may include notes about the event or your refund and cancellation policy.

Enforce Online Capacity Limit: If you want to limit the online registrations/capacity, you may enable this option. This will adapt the in-person capacity.

Allow Multiple Registrations: This option allows a student to register for a performance more than once using the same pass.

Extend Performance Generation Window: If you have an event that does not begin straight away, but you would like to accept registrations, you will need to extend the performance generation window as Union allows registrations 30 days out by default.

Limit Registration Window: Choose a timeframe until when the students are allowed to register before the event begins.

Allow Registrations Until End of Performance: Allows students to register for the performances while the event is ongoing.

Success! You should now see your event details, including upcoming performances within the next 30 days. Access and manage your events by going to Products > Events and selecting the desired event name.

For non-series events, students can book classes up to 30 days in advance!

For more detailed assistance, refer to our video tutorial or reach out to our support team at We're here to help you make your events a success!

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