Settings for your Public Events Page

On your public Union page, you will have an Events tab. By default, this will show your customers all of your public events. Be sure to visit our video tutorial to see this done in action! 

Union allows you to customize this page a little more if you'd like! Begin by visiting your Union Settings in the upper right corner and choose Public Events Page.

Section Name on Public Page

If you'd like, you can edit the name of this tab to say something like "Workshops & Trainings" or "Special Events". That way, you can customize the specific events that are shown on this page.

Reserve Button Text

If you'd like to edit the reserve button, you can customize that here. Changing the text will appear on the registration page and the event page. Here are some examples:

Registration Page

Event Page (Recurring Event)

Event Page (Series Event):

Only Show Events in Specific Categories

By default, Union shows all events you create. However, if you're wanting to only show certain events (i.e. workshops and trainings), you can customize this here by selecting specific event categories! *You must choose Yes to enable this feature. 

This will now only show upcoming events that are tied to the categories you've selected (does not include replays or historical events). 

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