Customize Event Confirmation Email
Do you need to let your students know they'll need certain props for an event? Do you want to simply remind them of how to access their registrations? Would it be helpful to add additional information about your in-person events?
Great news, you can add this on your event level! Each time a student registers for this class, they will receive the info you added!
From your admin dashboard, hover over Products and then click Events
When creating a new event or simply editing (click edit event), scroll to the bottom of the event builder and add in your customized text. Once added, click Update Event
This is what your students e-mail confirmation will look like:
If you have added custom text for your orders, please note that any Additional Text Appended to Emails (i.e. orders & registrations) will appear in a confirmation email. Here's an example of what it would look like if you had Additional Text Appended to Orders: