Changing Performance Registration (Attendance) Type

Union allows you to change a given performance's attendance type. To see this in action, visit our video tutorial here! Click the drop down arrow next to any performance to Edit Performance. 

Adjust the types of registrations available to your customers for this specific performance (Attendance). When the attendance type is changed at the performance level, the performance's parent event schedule attendance type settings will no longer apply to this specific performance. Click Update Performance to save!

After adjusting the performance's attendance type, you may need to change some or all existing performance registrations to the newly available registration types. E.g. my livestream registrations for this performance need to change to external video call registrations.

From the performance Check-in page, you can change a specific registration from the options for each registration, or change all registrations of one type to another at once. To change all at once, click the drop down arrow next to Add Attendee to Change Registration Types

Once changed, you should see the registration type change. In the example, it's now listed as Union Video Call. Now all students have the updated registration type! 

When a registration type is change, registrants will be notified via email that their registration type has been changed.

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