Auto-Renew Summary Report

The Subscription Summary Report in Union provides an overview of the following states of any auto-renew:

  • Active
  • Pending Cancel
  • Canceled
  • Paused
  • Past due

Report Highlights

The report breaks down subscriptions across several key metrics, allowing you to track the status of each subscription type.

  • Total: The total number of auto renews issued your system
  • Active: The number of auto renews that are active (i.e. being billed and/or can be used to register)
  • Pending Cancel: Subscriptions that are set to cancel but are still within the billing period. These subscriptions will stop renewing (billed) after the current period ends.
  • Canceled: Auto renews that have been fully canceled by either the customer or the admin and are no longer active.
  • Paused: Auto renews that are temporarily on hold. Paused subscriptions will not bill during the pause period but can be resumed at any time. View more about this report and the various pause types that can be preformed in Union today.
  • Past Due: The result of a failed payment. These require action to be resolved and could lead to cancellation if not addressed by the customer or an admin. See how Union handles declined subscription charges.
  • Trialing: Customers who are currently in a trial period for their auto renew before their first billing occurs.
  • Click on any bolded number in any column to see the compiled data. Each report can be downloaded as a CSV.

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