Creating Series Events with Flexible Registration Options: Single Session or Full Series

Let's say you have a special event (i.e. workshop) that's 3 days and your customers can register for a single session at $79 or they can register for the full event at a different price point. Here's the best path to create this in Union today!

Union advises that your customer's have the option to purchase a special event that allows access to all sessions. This is helpful in managing capacity per session and keeping it clean and easy to understand for your customers. If you're looking to build an event where someone will be registered for all classes in a single event (i.e. training or workshop), please visit our support article here.

Step 1: Create a Never Event Category

Create a new event category for your workshop. This does not need to be public.

Step 2: Build your Passes

Build the appropriate passes for your event. As an example, a Single Session pass will likely admit the customer to (1) class in the event where as the complete series will offer registrations for the full event. Be sure to include your new event category when building your passes! You're passes may look something like this:

Step 3: Build your Event

Next, you'll want to build your event. If each day has a different theme, you can customize this after! Simply add the general event details, like the description, photo, and schedule. You'll want to include your new event categories and any other specialized ones (i.e. workshops).

At the bottom of the event, you may want to include some Advanced features like customizing the registration confirmation text and extending the performance generation window.

Step 4: Editing your Performances

If each class has a different theme, you can edit each performance to define the class details for each session.

Here's an example! My workshop is a 6 day series called "Yoga Therapy Essentials". For the June 13th class, I edited the name to reflect what that session will be about.

That way, if someone is looking to only buy a single session, they can clearly see the details about this particular session.

During the registration flow, they'll be able to choose the best pricing for them!

For those who are looking to purchase the complete series, because their pass allows many registrations (i.e unlimited), they can visit the event to register for each session without needing to purchase a new pass!

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