Update a Customer's Billing Cycle

If you need to change a customer's subscription billing dates, you can apply those updates when visiting your customer's subscription.

When you click Update Billing Cycle, you will be prompted with the options to Charge Now or Change Billing Date.

Charge Now

  • Use Case: This option is useful if a customer was on an open-ended pause and you want them to be charged immediately, rather than waiting until a specific date.
  • Action: Selecting this option will process the charge immediately.

Change Billing Date

  • Use Case: This option is helpful if you need to change the billing date due to an open-ended pause or if you have arranged a new billing period with the customer.
  • Action: Set the new billing date as per the agreement with your customer.

Pause vs. Updating Billing Cycle

    • Pause: When a subscription is paused, the customer cannot use their pass during the paused period. Learn more about subscription pauses in Union.
    • Updating Billing Cycle: Adjusting the billing cycle dates allows the customer to continue using their subscription without interruption.

Steps to Update Billing Cycle Dates

First, you will want to search for your customer's account.

Navigate to the customer's subscription and click Update Billing Cycle

You can choose to Charge Now (your customer will be billed immediately).


Click Change Billing Date to select a date in the future for when the customer should be billed.

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