Editing a Subscription with a "Scheduled to Pause On" Date

If you scheduled a subscription to be paused on a certain date, you can apply edits that include:

  • Changing the custom date to "Pause Now"
  • Changing the custom date the pause should begin on to an earlier or late date
  • Changing the Resume Rules

What's great about editing a paused subscription is you can choose to edit one or all of the fields! Here are some classic edits you can apply to a subscription that has a scheduled pause date.

Edit the Subscription

Once you have located the customer's subscription you need to make edits to, click Edit Pause.

When you come to the Pause Subscription Pop-Up, you will always see a warning at the top that shows you the date the subscription will be paused on.

Edit the Pause Start Date

If you need to edit the day the pause begins, click the date selector and use the date selector to choose the new date. For example, let's say you have someone who's subscription is set to be paused on 8/31/24. You can customize the pause start date to either Now or a date before or after than what was originally scheduled.

Click Pause "Now" Pause earlier or later than scheduled by clicking the date icon and using the arrows to find the preferred paused date

Edit the Stay Pause (Resume) Rules

If you need to edit when the subscription should Resume and/or when the subscription should Restart Billing, here are some edits you can apply. As a reminder, you are not locked to one or another. You have complete freedom to customize as you see fit.

Until Resumed by an Admin

Choosing this option will allow an admin to edit the pause resume date. For example, a customer is unsure when they'll be able to use their subscription next. You agree on the flexibility so you choose this option. When the customer calls and has an "updated" resume date, you can then edit the subscription and click Until a Specific Date (see below).

Until a Specific Date

Whether you have a preset, Resume Access At and/or Restart Billing At, or not, you can click the calendar icons to apply any edits necessary.

Resume dates are flexible if they were preset. As an example, if you had the Resume Access At set for 11/1/24, you can set this to an earlier date. This is the same for Restart Billing At.


As a baseline, let's use this as the example. A customer has a subscription that is scheduled to be paused on 8/31/24. The subscription will resume on 10/1/24 and will be billed on 11/1/24.

Here are some use cases you may experience and examples of what the edit may look like.

Use Case Subscription Edit

Edit the Pause Start Date Only

The customer calls and states they need their pause to begin earlier but want to keep the same resume and billing dates.

For this example, when you edit the pause, you could only change the PAUSE AT date and then click Pause Subscription.

Edit the Pause Start Date , Subscription Resume Date, and Restart Billing Date

The customer calls to state they are needing to change the pause dates to the following:

Pause On: 7/31/24

Resume On (when they can use the subscription): 9/1/24

Billed on (date for subscription billing to start on): 9/30/24

To apply these edits, you will want to edit the PAUSE AT date, RESUME ACCESS AT date, and RESTART BILLING AT date. Then, click Pause Subscription.

Pause Now and Unknown Resume Dates

The customer calls and has an emergency that requires a pause action to happen now. They are unsure when they will be able to use the subscription again.

To apply these edits, click Now for the pause access and billing.

Then, click Until resumed by an Admin.

To save, click Pause Subscription

Any changes made to a paused subscription will show you a blue notice banner at the top.

General Pause Scheduled Pause

If you continue to scroll down on the customer subscription page, you will locate the Subscription Pause history

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