Edit a Replay Start Time

By default, a replay will always begin at the start time of the scheduled class. If you would like to customize this further (i.e. teacher didn't begin at the 9 AM start time or you're scheduling it for an upcoming class), you can edit the playback starts at time!

Visit Replays to locate the video you are looking to edit. You may need to use the admin filters to find your desired media file.

Once you locate your replay, click the drop down arrow to select Edit

When editing any media type, you should see the video thumbnail on the right side of your screen. Below, you'll find an editing button where you can add the desired playback start time.

Either play the video or use the player toggle to locate the desired start time. Once located, add this as the new playback starts at time. Then, scroll to the bottom so you can click to update.

Now, when anyone goes to view your class, the player will begin at the new playback starts time!

If you're an admin and you would like to test this, click on the video to see the view below.

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