New Accounts in Union

Creating a new account is essential to any process. Union wants to ensure this is a seamless experience for both customers and administrators.

This article will break down the different flows available for creating new accounts and which method with be the most efficient for different workflows.

New Account Types Benefits Ideal For & Examples
Create an account in add attendee or the register
  1. Allows you to move quickly through the registration and/or purchase flow in one fell swoop
  2. Your team can use the account immediately
  3. Will automatically send an invite for your customer to create a password.

The most common and everyday flow if you're looking to add a new customer.

Use Cases: A new customer (i.e. walk-in) who is looking to register and/or make a purchase.

Customer who has a Union account but is not associate with your org

Create an account on behalf of
  1. Allows you to choose a role
  2. You can choose to send an invite to your org immediately or at a later time.
  3. You can use the account immediately

Adding a staff member or an account with a role higher than an attendee.

Use Case: You are a new org on Union and you are needing to add your staff.

Invite someone

*Note: This does not create an account for them.

  1. A customer will be associated to your org once they accept the invitation (they may be required to create a new Union account)
  2. Customers must accept the invitation BEFORE a staff member can use the account (i.e. make a purchase)

You need to send multiple invitations to a group of people.

Use Case: A migration before sending unsent invites.

Customer Self Sign-Up
  1. Customers can setup a new account, register, purchase, accept the waiver, and assign a card on file in one fell swoop.
Customers are visiting your website and want to book a class.

Note: individuals only ever need one Union account. You can be an attendee, teacher, or even admin for many different organizations from the same account. No more confusion around usernames, passwords, and login screens.

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