Attach Free Trial with the Register

Union allows you to quickly attach a free trial subscription to any member using the Register. This comes in handy for cases when a user is upgrading their subscription in the middle of their billing cycle. See our video tutorial for additional support!

In the Union admin interface, you can access a specific member's info page by using the global search, clicking on a member's name (in bold) in a report or registration list, or searching for their name in the register (pictured below). Click the Register icon in the right corner.

Visiting the Register directly from any member info page auto-fills the member selection. If you need to add a new member, click Create Account for.

Then select Passes. Use the search bar below to type a pricing option name and click the shopping cart icon against the subscription you want to add. This brings it into the cart (right half of your screen).

Click the date selector to choose when their free trial is valid until.

Click Card and then On File. You can choose to send a confirmation email (uncheck the box) and then click Checkout.

You should see a green Success notification at the top that includes the order number (in bold). If you'd like to review the order, return to the customer's account, or access the registration that may have been added, click the bolded order number.

The order receipt will give you a breakdown of the order. At the bottom, you can hover over In Trial to see when the trial will end. If you need to make changes to the customer's subscription, click View or the dropdown arrow.

As a reminder, anything that's bold in Union can lead you to that particular view. If needed, the location of where the sale was held can be changed along with the seller.

If you need to revisit the order at any point, visit your customer's account. Please note that any $0 orders will not appear under "Recent Orders". To view all orders, click All Orders.

Scroll down to Subscriptions and you should see the state of the pass is In Trial. 

Pro-Tip: Hover over In Trial to see when the trial will end.

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