Segment for a Specific Teacher

Let's say you're wanting to connect with people who have taken a class with a specific teacher. In Union, any schedule you build includes choosing a Led By account. In, you're able to filter on the condition, led_by.

Step 1: Create a New Segment

Begin by going to Segments > Create Segment

You'll want to choose a Data Driven Segment

Add the name of your segment. While a description isn't necessary, Union does recommend including a tag to boost productivity.

Step 2: Add Conditions

Click Add Condition or Group and select Event

For the event_name, type to search for registration_redeemed.

Once selected, click Refine.

Click Add event data filter

For the event_attribute_name, you'll do a search to select led_by_name

The Value, will be your teacher's name. Then, click to Save.

*If it doesn't auto-populate, you can type to search and select.

Segment Build in Motion

Step 1: Create your segment

Step 2: Add the conditions

View the People

Once you've saved your segment, you can see all of the people who meet your conditions. If you ever want to refine the search, you can layer different attribute conditions, event conditions, and segment conditions.

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