Edit a Customers Pass

Union allows you to edit a customers pass that only applies for them. 

Please note that any special edits you make to a customers pass or subscription will remove them for any mass edits you make to the original pass/subscription in the future. However, you will always see a notification if there are pass holders or subscription holders who will not inherit the changes you apply for easy access to update those accounts. 

In the Union admin interface you can access a customers account from any report or by searching for their name in the global search bar (pictured below).

Scroll to their passes section in the Union account and click the drop down arrow next to View and choose Edit

Any changes you make here will only apply to this customers account! Once all edits have been made, click Update. Changes that can be applied are changing the registration limit (see below for more details), changing the starts at and expires at dates, and event categories. 

*Note: You may not be able to update the customers registration limits due to settled registration revenue. If you need to adjust the limits, please attach a new pass and adjust the limits on the new pass. Please visit Attach Pass with the Register or click Attach New Pass? 

You will then be able to view the pass you've just updated for you customer to be sure the changes you made were applied! 

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