Series Summary Report

If you have created a series event in Union (i.e. training or workshop), Union has a Series Summary Report for deeper reporting on how they're performing/performed. 

Reports > Events > Series Summary > Create New Report

Adjust your date range and select Create Report

Once your report has completed its calculation, you'll have a quick snapshot for how many series were held for that period. Click Details to view the report. 

If you're working with many series in one report, we line itemize each series with its own snapshot. 

Perfs: How many performances (or classes) were offered for each event

Free: If any complimentary passes were provided

Paid: Total of paid customers 

Paid Completed: Total amount of customers who paid and attended (redeemed) all performances within the series. *click on the bolded number to expand on the total attendance

Paid Average Completion: The average attendance for the series *click on the bolded percentage to expand on the total attendance 

Paid Signups Prior: How many people registered in advance

Paid Signups After: How many people registered after the event began

Paid Completed and Paid Completion Average graph gives you the ability to see the overall attendance for the series event. We provide quick links if you need to edit the event or check out other properties for this event like the calendar view, transactions, or performance report! You can hover over each performance for the accurate count of how many registrations were marked as redeemed! 

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