Setup Union Payroll

Union provides the ability to run a payroll report for a specific period to quickly see how much each teacher should be paid across your Payroll Rules that define how you pay for events and replays.

Be sure to check out our video tutorial for more details on how to setup your payroll and how to run a payroll report.

Step 1: Create Payroll Categories

First, we will want to create your organizational rules. We recommend creating generic payroll categories; Classes and Workshops.

Hover over Reports > Payroll > Categories (also located when following Products > Categories > Select Payroll tab)

Select Payroll > New Payroll Category

Add the Name for your first payroll category and select all associating events that should be tied to this payroll category. and click Save. Repeat this for any additional organizational rules, such as Workshops.

Payroll Category Name and Events

If most (or all) of your replays are tied to one specific payroll category, click the drop down arrow next to Edit and click Associate to all videos. If you have replays already in your replay library that are NOT associated to a payroll category, you will need to go into each replay and change the payroll category. 

If you need to manually update an event's payroll category, this can be accomplished at the event level. Products > Events > Click Edit Event against your event. In the Advanced section of the event builder, you will now see a new option to select a Payroll Category . Moving forward, this is how you can quickly assign a specific payroll category to any new events created.

Step 2: Create Payroll Rules

Below you can see all possible payroll rules your whole organization or a specific teacher can have applied. We want to begin by setting your organizational level rules which will then allow you to customize at the individual teacher level rules. For more on the specific payroll rules supported please see the separate Payroll Rules article.

NOTE: All settled revenue and % of revenue dollar amounts represent gross revenue before Stripe and Union fees.

To create organization-wide payroll rules, hover over Reports > Payroll > Rules

Click New Organization Rule

We suggest defining all of your Payroll Categories first before defining rules. Once you select which Payroll Category you would like to create, enter in the parameters for Performances (live classes) and Replays (if you are using payroll for both product types) and then click Save.

Repeat this step for your remaining organization wide rules.

Create Payroll Rules for Individual Teachers

Once you have your general organization rules created, you can apply custom rules for specific teachers! To apply custom rules for specific teachers, click New Teacher Rule.

Teacher Rule

This view will find all teachers that have ever been associated with a performance or replay, regardless of whether they currently have the permission to teach classes.

In the example below, Allen, has a total of eight performances (or classes) and the payroll for his classes will stop after 12/31/21. He did not hold a unique teacher rule but instead holds the org wide rule. Whereas Harley, holds her own teacher rule.

To create a teacher level rule, click Add Teacher Rule against the teacher who requires a different payment. 

You can confirm you're working with a specific teacher, as the header should reflect your teacher's name. Be sure to choose what payroll category needs to be applied, add your new rules, and click Save.

In the example below, notice the Classes Organization Rule is associated with Harley because we created a Teacher Rule for her. However, Harley still holds the organization-wide rule for Workshops and No Payout

Click View Organization Rules to continue to add New Teacher Rule.

When you view your Payroll Rules you can see the organization rules and all teachers who have unique rules. 

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