Marketing Widget Sign Up Segment

Every time a new account is created in your Union org, a new account will be created for them automatically. If you are using Union's marketing sign up widget to collect emails and are hoping to create a campaign to welcome them, here's how to setup the segment to use as your campaigns trigger.

Begin by creating a new segment

Name your segment. While a description and tags are optional, Union strongly encourages adding a tag. Then click Create Data-driven Segment.

The User Data will be an Attribute.

For the profile attribute, you'll want to search for widget.

*If you widget does not populate for you, that's okay. You can manually type it in. It usually indicates a customer hasn't used the widget just yet.

Finally, you'll want say that this is true. Click to update!

If you have people who match the conditions, you should see the total number of people who match. If needed, you can always click the total number of people to see that accounts included.

Marketing Widget and No Orders or Registrations

What's great about your marketing only users being included in your account, is you'll have insight on if they become customers in your Union org. If you're wanting to continue to target marketing customers only with newsletters (i.e. exclude everyone who has not made a purchase with you and signed up from the widget), you will likely want to have a second segment.

First, you can duplicate your widget segment. Once you've updated the name, added the tag, click Add condition or group and click Event.

For the event_name, you're going to search for order_completed

Then, when you hover over the condition, you can click Refine

Next, we're going to refine this but adding an event data filter

You'll want to search for total_price (add to event_attribute_name) so it is greater than zero. Then, click Save Changes.

Like all segments, you'll see the total number of people in your segment. You can click on the number of people to see the group of customers.

When you click on any customer in the list...

You'll be able to verify under the customer's Attributes

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