Verify your Domain (Adding your DNS Records) for

You’ve just been invited to, now what? Well, friend, the world is at your fingertips. To get started, you'll need to authenticate your domain. Why? Although it’s just one piece of the deliverability puzzle (along with your copy and overall reputation), authenticating the domains you use for sending email from will help your messages reach your users. Check out the blog post on Email Deliverability from to know more about how it works. has a great video to checkout for step-by-step too and visit here for more information.

Step 1: Add your Sending Domain in

  1. Click to view your Dashboard
  2. Click on Setup Messaging Channels
  3. Select Email
  4. Add Domain

*You can access this from your Settings

Step 2: Add your Sender Details

You will need to include your sender details to ensure the domains match. Once your domain has been verified, you can add additional sender addresses.

*Sender email address MUST be the same as the domain added (i.e. Domain = and sender email must end with

Add your Sender Information Visual Support
Click Add From Address

Include your Sender Name and Sender Email Address

Step 3: Verify your Domain offers a step-by-step video to show you how to add this to your domain!

In, click Verify your Domain

Open another tab (or Window) and sign-in to your hosting provider (i.e. GoDaddy). You will copy each record you see in to your hosting provider. Below, you'll see which records you will need to include.

*Links for common providers

Record Names/Requirements Visual Support
1 MX Record with (2) Unique Values: Please add BOTH records

TXT Record (SPF Record)

TXT Record (DKIM Record)

DMARC Record

*As of Feb 1, 2024, we now check whether your DMARC policy meets new sending requirements from Gmail and Yahoo

Once you have added each record in to your domain, click Verify Domain.

This process can take up to 72-hours for them to register but you’ll see a green badge next to your domain letting you know it’s been verified. If the badge stays red after 72-hours go back to your DNS records and make sure that you pasted everything correctly. You can also try the tip above and see if the domain was duplicated in your records.

If you’re still having issues with verifying your domain, it’s best to reach out to your host provider directly. They’ll have more knowledge about DNS records for that specific platform.

Guides to DNS Records

There are plenty of hosts out there but these are the ones that we’ve seen used most often. If you need more information on locating or updating your DNS records you can review these articles from your specific host provider.






***If you don’t see that your DNS records have been verified within 72-hours of updating your DNS records, reach out to your host provider to figure out the next steps

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