Importing Data to Union

Union can import your crucial business data from the following providers.

Provider Customers Card on File Subscriptions Passes & Packs
Mindbody Yes Yes Yes Yes
Stripe Yes Yes Yes* Yes*
Kajabi Yes No Yes Yes
Adobe Business Catalyst Yes No Yes Yes
Interval Yes No Yes Yes
Teachable Yes No No No
Wellness Living Yes Yes Yes Yes
Woocommerce Yes No No No
Arketa Yes No Yes Yes
Vagaro Yes No** Yes Yes
Arbox Yes Yes Yes Yes
FitDegree Yes Probably Yes Yes
WooCommerce Yes Probably Yes Yes

* if your current system uses Stripe Subscriptions and/or Products

** provider does not encrypt credit card data for migration off their platform.

Provider Not on the List?

If you don't see your provider listed, we can typically perform an import from other systems. The data we'll be looking for:

  • Customer Export (including name, email, phone)
  • Card on File (typically coordinating with your current payment processor)
  • Subscription Information (a file showing which customer has which subscription, subscription name, at what price point, and the interval and recurrence of its billing)
  • Pass and Pack Information (which customers own which passes or packs, pass names, at what price point, when they expire, and how many uses remain)
  • Where are clients cards being stored (i.e. Stripe Standard/Express, Paragon)?

Migration/Conversion Process

  • Union will work with you to ensure you are reaching out to your current provider on dates you and your onboarding specialist agree upon.
  • When Union receives the data from your previous provider, Union creates a conversion worksheet based off the reports we receive. You are your onboarding specialist will have a pre-scheduled call to discuss your unique data.
  • Once Union has the required information, Union will run their converter, 24 hours before your invitation date.
  • On your invitation date, Union will perform a reconciliation that includes:
    • New sales and customers from date of export to current date
    • Update your clients visits remaining on active class packs that were converted from date of export to current date.
    • Validate subscriptions/auto-renewing pricing options
  • Once your onboarding specialist has completed the reconciliation process, they will notify you on next steps so your clients can create a password and start booking on Union!
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