Creating a Read-Only Stripe Key

If you are importing customer and payment data to Union, one of the first steps is to create a read-only Stripe API Key so that we can review with you what data will be brought into Union.

1. To start, login to the Stripe Dashboard.

2. Click Developers:

3. Click 'Api keys' in on the left side, then click 'Create restricted key' in the bottom-right:Call your new key 'Union Sync' and make sure to check 'Read' for all permissions. This key will only have access to view your data, not change it or make any charges. There are many columns that you will need to check this for, and in cases where there is no 'Read' option, select 'None':

After clicking create, please save the key, it should start with 'rk_live'. Contact your Union Onboarding Specialist for how to securely transmit that to Union.

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