Creating Donation-Style Tickets

Usually, businesses set the prices of their offerings and customers simply decide whether or not to make the purchase. But occasionally, a business may want to let customers choose their own price to attend a particular event.

Here's a guideline!

Steps to Complete

Visual Support

When editing or creating a new event, you'll see a Payment Section that is typically set to Accept Passes.

You'll want to TURN OFF "Accept Passes" and this will enable the Ticket Builder.

Create a name and description for your ticket, and set the price to whatever you want the suggested price to be.

Most people decide how valuable something is based on the suggested price. The default suggested price you set will often completely change the amount of money most people pay.

Check the box that says "Allow Purchaser to Choose Price".

If your schedule is NOT SELECTED as a training or workshop series, you will have these options for your On Sale and Off Sale ticket timing.

You also have the option to choose how long someone has access to their replay! 

If your event is checked as a Training or Workshop Series, you will need to choose when the ticket(s) are available for sale and when they need to be taken off sale.

If you have more than one schedule, please be reminded that choosing to have the schedule as a series will register your students for all performances.

Complete the other fields as normal, and then either Update Event or Create Event.

Customer Experience

Donation-style tickets will display the suggested price inside an editable field. The customer will be able to click inside that field, delete the suggested price, and type in the amount they wish to offer. Then they can simply check out as normal.

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