Sales by Channel Report in Union

A sale in Union can be defined as someone who made a purchase or a registration. These can occur in different channels like the web, app, or in the register. Your sales by channel report in Union can bring insight to you about where your sales are taking place. To access this report, visit Reports > Sales > Sales by Channel.

Union breaks this down by showing you the total count of orders per sales channel and the total revenue. You can hover over the graph to find the exact totals and use the tool bar at the top to adjust your view.

In a case where you may see a count in one channel and no revenue displayed, this could be due to comps/free passes or registrations that were made with an existing pass or subscription.

Union has the following Sales Channels:

Web Sales that originate on or your branded website, from the Passes page or when registering for an upcoming class.
API Sales that come from an integration through the Union API
Register Sales that are created by your staff in the Union Register.
Subscription Payments for Subscriptions or Payment Plans
Landing Page Sales that originate from one of your Landing Pages
Self-Service Sales from the self-service check-in Code.
Union App Sales from the Union app
Branded App Sales from your branded app (if applicable).
ClassPass Sales from ClassPass
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