How to turn off 'Topics' in

If you are utilizing the and Union integration, we advise against using the Topics feature in We wanted to offer some context and how to turn this feature off if it's already been enabled in your account.

When a customer interacts with your org or website, you automatically capture the customers details (i.e. first/last name, email, etc). When this happens, the account is immediately sync'd to If you're using topics, the customer will automatically be added to ALL topics in your Subscription Center in

The goal of using topics in is to allow customers to choose what they would like to receive emails about. Since customer's are automatically be added to all topics, this defeats the purpose of what topics is used for.

Turn of Topics in Visual Support
Visit your Workspace Settings in

In the Advanced section, click on, Subscription Center

You can’t delete a topic that’s in use. You’ll need to change the Audience setting for any running campaigns and broadcasts that use the topic you want to delete before you can delete it. You don’t need to worry about draft or stopped workflows.

Hover over each topic to reveal the trash icon and then click Delete.

Then, you will want to Disable the Topics feature.

Moving forward, you'll want to select All Subscribed people.

If you have any further questions or require assistance, don't hesitate to get in touch at We're here to help!

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