
When adding locations to your org, you have the flexibility to not only add as many locations as you would like, but this also includes different timezones.

From your admin calendar, the timezone will always be locked to what's listed in your Union Settings (gear icon in the upper right corner > General).

Customer View

All timezones on the public site are displayed in the user's local time. When your customer books a class, the time is shown in their time zone. However, when a customer registers for a class, they will view the class start time in the location's time zone. Customers confirmation email will be sent in the class's time zone.

We recommend students (and teachers) using the calendar sync option. All classes will appear in their preferred calendar with the correct timezone. What this means, is if someone is traveling, their class times will always be up to date!

For example, the person registering for the class below is in Eastern Timezone. The class they're wanting to register for is in a Central Timezone.

While making the registration, they will see the class in the timezone of the designated location.

Here's an example of a confirmation email that includes a quick link to add to the student's calendar and an option to download the single class.

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