Zoom Gear Recommendation

If you're looking to offer virtual classes where your students and your teachers can see and speak with one another or you're looking for an easy connection to include music into your classes, here's our gear recommendation for using Zoom.

For Your Video

While it's tempting to use your device camera, we recommend using a high quality web camera. Great news! You may already have everything you need!

  • If you have an iPhone 11 or higher AND a macOS laptop that is on Ventura (preferably Sonoma 14) you can utilize your iPhone!
  • Any 1080p or 4k webcam that you can plug into your laptop, like the Logitech Brio.

For Your Voice

We've got options here! For teachers who are comfortable using bluetooth earbuds, you can stick to what you've got as long as it can connect to your laptop. Below, we've added a few links for you to browse through if you're looking for different options.

For teachers who would prefer a wireless mic, Union's first pick is the Rode Wireless Go II. Below, you'll find the direct links.

Rode does have an option called Rode Wireless Go. We highly recommend upgrading to the Rode Wireless Go II as there is software you can install to help keep your mics up to date. It includes (2) mics as well! Whether you're in a studio setting or in your home or on the go, you know you'll always have a fully charged mic available.

Bluetooth Option

Use high quality Bluetooth earbuds so your voice sounds close and warm. They're battery powered and snuggle right in your ears, so you have full range of motion.

Affordable Options

For macOS

Additional Recommendations:

Wireless Mic Option

If you would prefer the use of a wireless mic option, we have found that the Rode Wireless Go II provide excellent audio. The Wireless Go II comes with one receiver and two transmitters (microphones).

Additional Accessories (optional)

Adapters & Charging

Please check your laptops to make sure you have enough ports depending on the gear you are choosing to use. For example, if you're using the Brio and the Rode, you will need at least two USB-A ports and potentially a charging port. If you need more ports, you can purchase a hub!

Union Approved Hubs

  • USB C Hub w/ ethernet hub @ $60 or USB C Hub @ $34 *if you are using a Mac Mini or an iMac, these hubs may not be required. Please confirm your setup with your onboarding team or reach out to support@union.fit. 
  • If you only need one USB C adapter, check out this duo pack from Anker.

Charging Cords/Additional Accessories

  • If you are going to be using the Continuity Feature, we recommend keeping your device (iPhone) hard wired in to your computer. Most macOS devices offer plenty of USB-C ports. If you're one of the users who has ports to spare, here is a link for a cord that could be helpful!

Hosting your Class

As mentioned above, we do recommend hosting your classes from a device like a laptop or desktop. This way you're video is in a horizontal view, you have full control over the host menu bar, and see all of your students. At this time, any laptop or desktop should be approved, however, it is recommended that you host your classes on Google Chrome or use the Zoom App. Please be sure that you continue to have the latest version of Chrome or the Zoom App installed. 

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