Editing your Branded Site Header

Let's say you're looking to redirect your customers to view your website's pricing page. Or maybe you're looking to change the wording to header that's already created. Learn how to make edits to your navigation bar.

Visit your branded site while signed into your admin Union account (Marketing > Branded Site).

Click on Templates > Header

You should see a block of code where you can make changes to your navigation header and below is where all the magic happens!

<div id="header__nav" class="collapse navbar-collapse align-items-center">

If you're looking to change the name of an existing header name, simply edit the term to what fits you and your business. Some examples of different terms include "Schedule" or "Pricing".

*Note: if you're looking to change Union's default "replays" term, please visit this article.

By editing the term only, you will only be changing the text your customers see at the top of your Union branded site.

If you'd like to redirect your customers to a page from your website (i.e. pricing page, contact page, or teachers bio page), you'll want to remove the text in-between the quotes. In this example, we'll be removing




Copy the URL from the desired page from the website and paste the URL in-between the quotes. *Note: do not have spaces before or after the quotes.

The line may look something like this

<li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="https://www.atelier-testing/pricing">Pricing</a><li>

Looking to add a navigation link to your header? We recommend copying a single line from your your header_nav and paste it into a new line.

Follow the directions above to make your edits!

Once you've updated your navigation header, be sure to click save! When you visit your Union branded site, you should see your updates!

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