Export your Members
If you'd like to pull a list of all of your members in Union, follow this easy path!
People > All People > Click the drop down arrow next to Add Person and choose Export Users
The report will provide you with the following details:
- When they joined your org
- First/Last name
- The role within your org (i.e. attendee, teacher, admin)
- Phone number
- Total spend
- How many orders
- If they have a paid pass
- If they have a subscription (auto renew)
- If they have a payment plan
- Total livestream registrations & redeemed
- Total in-person registrations & redeemed
- Total replay registrations & redeemed
- Their social media details
- Account notes
- Life time value
- If they have an approved VaxGuard, when their VaxGuard was approved at, who approved their VaxGuard, and when their last dose was received.