Closing Your Union Org

If you need to leave your Union organization, please follow these key steps. After completing them, reach out to your Union sales team member and the to finalize the closure of your account.

Step 1: Download Your Media Content

We believe that you as the admin own the material in your replay library. If you would like to retain this content, you have 30 days to download and remove all media content. We recommend downloading your files while completing the remaining bolded steps below. 

To download your media content, visit Products --> Replays. For best practice, Union recommends checking each media state filter.  

Against any and all files you would like to hold on to, click the drop down arrow and choose  Request Download. You should receive an email with a link for you to download. 

*If you do not receive an email, simply click Request Download against the replay desired and it should prompt you with a direct download.

Once your download has completed, choose Delete. 

Do this for all media content and be sure to check all of the replay tabs (i.e. unpublished, private, pending). 

Step 2: Delete All Events

Visit Products > Events. Click the drop down arrow next to each event and select Delete. 

You will be prompted to acknowledge that deleting the event will remove all performances and cancel all future registrations. Select OK to accept. 

Complete this action for all upcoming events. 

Step 3: Cancel All Active Auto-Renews & Delete Your Products

To ensure your customers are not charged moving forward, you will want to cancel all active subscriptions. Visit Reports > Auto-Renews > Summary. Click on the bolded number in the Active column. 

*Note: Deleting a subscription will NOT cancel a customers active subscription and they will continually be charged.

Against each subscription, click the drop down arrow and click Cancel Now

To delete your subscriptions (ensure no future purchases), click on the subscription name in bold.

Click the drop down arrow next to Edit and choose Delete

Complete this for each subscription listed. 

Step 4: Cancel All Active Payment Plans & Delete Your Products

Like your subscriptions, you want to ensure your customers are not continuing to pay on their payment plans. Visit Reports > Sales > Payment Plans. You should see all orders along with the state of each plan. Against any active payment plans, click the customers name in bold to be brought to their Union account. 

*Note: Deleting a payment plan will NOT cancel a customers active payment plan and they will continually be charge

Click the drop down arrow next to their active payment plan and select Cancel Now

Do this for each active order. 

To delete your payment plans, visit Events > Payment Plans. Click the drop down arrow next to Edit and choose Delete

Complete this for each payment plan listed. 

Step 5: Cancel All Active Passes* & Delete Your Products

If you have already communicated to your customers that you will no longer be using Union, they should be aware that they will no longer be able to access any content from Union moving forward. You can choose to leave passes active as there will be no future charges made to their accounts. However, if you would like to cancel all active passes, visit Events > Passes. Click on the bolded number in the total column

You will see a list of all customers who have purchased said pass, including its state. Click the drop down arrow against any active pass and choose Cancel

Once completed, click the drop down arrow against the pass and select Delete

Complete this for each pass type. 

Step 6: Export Any/All Reports Desired

Union wants to ensure you have all of your data before you leave. Here are some recommended reports you should run:

  • Members List (People > All People > Export Users): All of your customers in Union
  • Performance Reports: All performances, Performances by Teacher, Series Summary  
  • Replay Reports : All Replays, Replays by Teachers
  • Payroll Report*: If using Union's payroll suite feature
  • Customer Reports: Account Balances, New Customers, Unique Customers 
  • Registrations Reports: All, Stats
  • Sales Reports: Revenue Categories, Sales by Service, Sales by Payment Method, Revenue by Location, Payment Plans, Orders, Refunds, Transfers 
  • Subscription Reports: Summary, Past Due, Cancelations 
  • Feedback Report
  • Video: Delivery, Usage, Views
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