Rebranding on Union

If you're wanting to re-brand on Union, please connect with the Union team team as to when you're planning on converting. Currently, changing your organizations name can only be done by the Union team. It will be helpful for us to know when you're planning on rebranding and what your new organization needs to be called. We recommend making these adjustments when you don't have active events taking place or during high traffic times on your Union site.

Here's a checklist to make sure you've adjusted each section. From your admin dashboard, click Settings and then click Edit.

General Info:


Click Choose File to select and upload your new logo

Studio Description

Does your current description mention your previous business name? You can click the description and edit where needed

Phone Number

Has this number changed?

Support Email

Add your new support email if needed to be changed

Studio Website

Please copy and paste your website URL if it has changed

Business Address

If you address has changed, please adjust


If you mention your previous business name in your waiver, please click edit against the waiver header in your Union settings:

Email Settings:

If you have added any custom text to your emails (that mention your business name, i.e. customer support email), please be sure to edit and update.

Stripe Account:

If any adjustments have been made to your Stripe account, let's be certain they match with Union

Google Analytics:

Union lets you add your Google Analytics Measurement ID (sometimes called the Tracking ID) so that certain pages, such as your events and checkout pages will start reporting analytics back to your Google Analytics account. If any changes have been made, please be sure to update your Measurement IDs.

Facebook Analytics:

Union lets you add your Facebook Pixel ID so that certain pages, such as your events and checkout pages will start reporting analytics back to your Facebook Business account. If anything has been changed with your Business ID account, please update here.

If you have added any additional text to your events (description or in the Advanced Email Settings), we recommend doing a once over to ensure you're sending people to the correct support line. Hover over Products > Events

Click Edit against each event to proof and make changes

Please be sure to check the Advanced section in your events as we've noticed some studios do mention a general studio support email

If you have your studio name as a Location in Union, please be sure to update the name.

To edit; hover over Products > Location

Click Edit

Change the name of your location and then click Update

You should now see your updated location name

All performances should automatically adjust to reflect your new location name. If you do not see the change within 24 hours, please reach out to

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