One Class Remaining Segment in

As you sell class packages for your wellness business, you’ll want to create a campaign that will let students know that they are on their last class and need to purchase more or save by becoming a subscriber.

You’ll create a new segment that you’ll call 1 Class Remaining. Add a description to let others know that this is for students with 1 class left in their package.

Click on Add condition or group and select Attribute. For the profile_attribute select active_paid_packs_with_1_redemption_remaining. Keep it as exists and Save Conditions.

If you need to build a segment for specific class packages you can add another condition or group and select pass_issued. Just like you’ve built segments for specific passes before, you’ll do that here.

Refine the condition. Add event data filter. Choose the event_attribute_name of name and select the pass you want to apply in the value. This way you can segment out for each type of pass you have and make your email campaigns more targeted for that audience.

From here, you simply build a campaign and set the trigger to this segment you just built. Offer up your students your class package options when they’ve used up their pack or entice them to become a subscriber by showing them how much they can save.

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