Express Add Attendee Feature

You can quickly add any members to any performance by using Union’s add attendee express feature! Be sure to check out our video tutorial here!

Here's a guide!

Steps to Complete

Visual Support

  1. From the performance check-in screen, click Add Attendee

  1. You'll then see a pop-up window that allows you to immediately search existing members and create an order using an existing pass or subscription! 

  1. If your student needs to purchase a new pass or subscription, as long as they have a card on file, you can charge their card on file directly in the pop-up window.

  1. If your student DOES NOT have a card on file, you will be given the option to comp them a pass.

*Note: By default, Union will allow you to comp a pass if a card is not on file. If you want to turn this off, please refer to our help desk article or simply visit your Union Settings > Registrations. 

When adding an attendee to a performance that is starting, the registration is automatically redeemed, allowing you to continue to check in others as quickly as possible.

If you need to add a new member, you can quickly access the register by selecting “Go to Register”. When selected, what you've typed should automatically detect if it's a name or email address so you can continue your rhythm and flow!

In this example, the only thing left to add is the customer's email!

For more details about how to add an attendee on the register, please reference our help desk article, Going to the Register from Add Attendee*Note: the video tutorial above includes this version.

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