Custom Roles

If Union's built-in roles are not fitting for your business' permissions, you can create a custom role that gives the permissions to the right groups of individuals in your organization. Visit our video tutorial here for some additional use cases!

Here's a step-by-step guide:

Steps to Complete

Visual Support

  1. Head on over to People > Roles > Add New Role.

  1. You'll then have the option of giving your new role a name that makes sense for your business. You'll then want to pick an existing role to start from to base permissions on.

  1. Once you click Create Role you can now add or remove different permissions. Union breaks out our default roles and includes check boxes with all permissions that make up each role. For example, we started our studio manager role with a Teacher role. All permissions that make up a Union default teacher role are automatically selected. You can choose to deselect any permission.

  1. To customize our Studio Manager role, we need to add some admin permissions. You'll want to click each check box that is applicable to your custom role.

Assign a Role

Steps to Complete

Visual Support

  1. Pull the account up in Union by using the global search feature at the top of the screen.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow at the top of the account and click Edit.

  1. Click the check box to change the role and choose Update Membership.

  1. When an account is updated with your custom role, you will now see it broken out when you visit People > All People.

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